Procrastination is one challenge that is commonly faced by students. Not only students, in fact a lot of working professionals are also struggling with the same. So, this guide is helpful for both students and teachers who are interested to overcome procrastination. Procrastination is one of the reasons why a student is getting poor grades, it often leads to stress, and impact academic performance negatively. There could be a number of reasons for procrastination, we have discusses few reasons later in the post.
The most practical approach to overcome procrastination is to first understand from where it’s coming i.e. lack of focus, fear of failure, etc and develop better study habit by managing your time in an efficient manner.
This guide is specially created to help students overcome procrastination and achieve higher academic or personal goals by maintaining a good balance in life.

Tips & Tricks to Avoid Procrastination
Figure out the reason behind Procrastination
There could be a number of reasons for procrastination. First, you need to understand why you are procrastinating. Some of the common reasons for procrastination are:
- Overwhelmed with work
- Fear of failure
- Lack of focus
- Too many distractions
The first step towards overcoming procrastination is to find out the reason behind it and then find a solution for it.
Break down big tasks into smaller manageable ones
Being overwhelmed with large work is one of the reason most of the student procrastinate. It’s recommended to break down larger tasks into smaller manageable tasks and accomplish small tasks one by one to finally finish the whole work.
For example, if you have 10 pages to write for an assignment then break down it into five step i.e. write 2 pages at a time. You’re more likely to start when the work is smaller or easily manageable. Build a momentum first by accomplishing smaller tasks and then tackle the bigger ones.
Set clear goals
Your goals should be absolute clear and create a work plan accordingly. Use a planner or calendar to make a work plan or schedule for yourself. Use the concept of SMART goals (we have already discussed SMART goals in time management guide, do check it out)
Here the SMART goals means:
- S stands for Specific
- M stands for Measurable
- A stands for Achievable
- R stands for Relevant
- T stands for Time-bound
Set specific goals which can be measured and achievable. Goals should be relevant and there should be time limit as well.
Time management & breaks
Plan out your entire day in advance and make sure to take breaks in between to stay focused and organized. Here is how it works, study for 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute break, if you are studying for 2 or 3 hours then consider taking a longer break i.e. 15 to 30 minutes.
Mental fatigue often leads to procrastination, therefore, make sure to keep yourself engaged and motivated.
Develop a habit
Setting a routine is considered boring and dull in today’s time but still it’s one of the best thing you can do for yourself. Setting a routine is important specially for students in order to make the most out of their time and bring more discipline in their life.
Set a specific time for study, eating, rest, etc. Repeat the same routine everyday to make a habit. A good routine is the one that is well balanced i.e. you have time for academics, time for personal development, time for family, social life, time for entertainment or fun, etc.
Stick to the routine to make it a habit.
Appreciate or reward yourself
Nothing is better confidence booster than appreciation and reward. Students can reward themselves in order to stay focused and motivated all the time. Here is an example: you can reward yourself with a small break or favourite meal, etc after completing a task or study session.
Set rewards depending on the efforts required to complete a task.
Be Flexible
If things aren’t working out in a way you predicted. Then consider making changes and be flexible.
Procrastination is a problem that has to be tackled specially if you are a student. You cannot afford to delay important assignments, preparation for exams, etc. It is important to note that overcoming procrastination does not happen overnight, it takes time and practice. First, you need to understand the root cause of procrastination and then set clear goals for yourself, break down larger work into smaller manageable tasks.
Overcoming procrastination is a life skill that’s gonna reward for the entire life. We are hoping this guide helps you, if yes then do let us know through the comment section. Let us know what you would like to read next.