Build Strong Friendship in School: Friendships are a major part of student’s life, a school life is incomplete without friendships. Good friends are the ones who give emotional support when required, they cheer you up, and helps you navigate through the challenges of school life. Making friends does not come naturally to many of us. Some students are introverts which makes it hard to connect and make new friendships.
In this guide, we have shared some of the most effective strategies that will help you build and maintain strong friendships. Good friendships takes time and patience. Below are some of the techniques through which you can build strong friendships.

How to Build Strong Friendship in School
Be Approachable
The first step is to be approachable and open. Show that you’re friendly and open to make new friends. Be open to conversation and maybe initiate a conversion whether in classroom or cafeteria to break the ice.
If you are an introvert then this technique must be harder for you. So, what you need to do is practice maintaining an eye contact, practive active listening, show interest in conversation, and ask questions. Let others know that you value what they say and open to communicate.
Extracurricular Activities & Sports
If you are interested to meet new people then join clubs or sport teams, etc. Team sport bring people together, you learn how to play as a team, how to communicate well with each other, etc. Join debate groups, drama group, and participate in outdoor activities of the classroom.
Meeting new people and bonding with them is super easy once you are a part of sports team, club, or group, etc. Make sure to be yourself in order to connect with like-minded people. Do not fake a personality, just be yourself and you will find people who are like you.
Learn to Listen
Be a good listener. Pay attention to what a person is speaking. To build strong friendships, you must understand that both talking and listening are important. You can’t just talk and talk, friendship is between two people and it should be like this only. Be a friend who listen to the other, understand their emotions, show empathy, and help whenever required.
Pay full attention to what your friend is shared, put your phone away and reflect back accordingly.
Be Honest
Honesty and trust lays down the foundation for a strong friendship. Trust does not build in a day, you have to honest, reliable, and patient in order to build a trust. Building a trust is one thing and maintaining it is an another task all together. A friendship without trust cannot stay longer.
To maintain friendships that lasts for years, you need to be very honest and show commitment.
Be There for Each Other
Time and efforts are required to make friendship grow. In order to strengthen friendships, you have to spend time together outside of school such as play games, study together, watch movies, go on vacation, etc. Create life long memories together.
Understand what your friends like and plan activities accordingly. Spend time together in order to get to know each other better.
Don’t Fake a Personality, Be Yourself
Many of us fake a personality in order to make new friends. Do not do this mistake. You can’t fake a personality all the times, therefore, make sure to be yourself only. If you are honest in your approach then surely people will connect with you. You will find like minded people who are like you and would love to connect with you.
Right friends will appreciate and acknowledge you for what you are. Don’t be afraid to share your interests and passion.
Say Sorry | Forgive | Move On
Every friendships is tested, nothing is perfect in this world. Your friendship will go through ups and downs. Saying sorry, learning to forgive, and move on are the essentials for maintaining a strong friendship.
Self reflect on your behaviour and do not hesitate to say sorry if you are wrong. If your friend has made a mistake then learn to forgive, accept apology, and move on. Be respectful and open to communicate every when the conflict arise.
Building friendships is no rocket science if you are honest, open and supportive. In order to form new or strengthen friendships, you need to be trustworthy, show empathy, be a good listener, and spend quality time together, etc. Please keep in mind that friendships takes time to grow, you just need to be genuinely interested and honest in your approach. Good friendships make your school life more fun, easier, and valuable. Memories created during school life are the best and you will cherish them for life long.