How to write a Leave Application for School – Sample Letters

At many schools, it is required for students to submit a leave application in order to request time off or break from school. There could be many reasons for requesting a leave i.e. it could be due to personal reason, medical reason, or other reasons. The reason should be valid enough, only then the leave gets approved. Now comes the writing part, writing a perfect leave letter is essential. In this post, we’re covering how to write a proper leave letter, why is it important, and we have shared the letter samples or templates as well.

Why Should I write a leave application?

In many schools, there is a procedure that’s needed to be followed to get a leave or break from school and that procedure usually involves writing a leave application. Through a leave letter, student gets the opportunity to express situation clearly and respectfully. It’s important to follow the correct format while writing such a letter. In many cases, you may even asked to provide a proof as well i.e. let’s say you’re taking a medical leave then you could be asked to provide the doctor’s note as a proof.

Make sure to express situation honestly, refrain from writing a false reason because that may lead to strict actions from school.

Different Elements in a Leave Application

Following are some of the different elements that are there in a leave application:

  • Subject: Make sure keep the subject short and concise.
  • Salutation: Always use a formal greeting i.e. Respected Sir/Madam
  • Opening Paragraph: Make sure to mention the reason for requesting a leave, keep the reason very clear and to the point.
  • Leave Dates: Highlight the dates for which you are requesting a leave.
  • Closing Statement: Politely request approval and mention you will make up for missed work.
  • Ending: End with “Sincerely,” followed by your name.

Every leave letter has these elements. You may include few more elements depending on the leave type and format you are using.

Leave Application Sample for Absence Due to Illness

This is the most common type of leave application, check out the sample letter below:

Subject: Leave Application for [Your Name]

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform that I am not feeling well due to high fever and will be unable to attend school on [Insert Date]. I kindly request you to grant me leave for the day. I will ensure that I catch up on the missed lessons and assignments once I return.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

[Your Name]
[Class & Roll Number]

Leave Application Sample for Personal or Family Reasons

This is the second most common reason why students write a leave application, here is a sample letter:

Subject: Leave Application for [Your Name]

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request leave for [Insert Date] as I have a family function to attend. I kindly request you to grant me leave for the day. I will make sure to complete all assignments/work and will ensure to catch up on any missed lessons upon my return.

Thank you for your attention and understanding.

[Your Name]
[Class & Roll Number]

Here are Quick Tips for Writing a Leave Application

  • You’re writing this application to the school authority so use the polite, respectful, and professional tone only.
  • Refrain from using an informal words
  • Make sure to keep the application clear and concise.
  • State the leave reason very clearly and mention the exact dates for leave to avoid confusion.
  • If your school has guidelines for leave application then make sure to follow them.

Final Words

Writing a leave letter is simple task once you understand the format and right structure. For the convenience of students, we’ve covered the important information here related to leave applications and provided a few sample letter or templates as well. Check out the sample letters here to see the correct way of writing a leave application. Keep your leave application forma and respectful.

So, now you know how to write a leave application and you’ve a few samples for your reference. Let us know in the comment section how do you like the samples here and how do you like the information shared here. your feedback help us improve!

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