Quality sleep, good nutrition, and exercise are essential for the overall development of student’s mind and body. Developing good habits are important to increase academic performance. Good habits often increase energy levels, improve mood, and improve overall health. A healthy lifestyle is essential for the overall well being of students. Developing good habits is not easy or does not come naturally to many of use, we have to make efforts in order to bring these habits in our life and make them a routine or second nature.

For all students who are struggling with adopting or maintaining healthy lifestyle, here we have shared some of the tips and techniques that will help you to bring good habits in your life. Let’s get started to make some good changes in life.
Get Quality Sleep
Quality Sleep is one of the actual luxury of life. Good sleep is essential for a human mind to function properly. Without proper sleep, you may feel less focused, tired, and dizzy. Quality sleep keeps you focused and energized throughout the day and you can perform academic work more actively and efficiently. Here is how you can prioritise your sleep:
- Set a sleep time for yourself. Go to the bed and wake at the same time every day in order to make a routine. A good sleep schedule can be a game changer for you.
- If you struggle to get sleep on time then you can create a bed time routine for yourself i.e. read a book, take a warm bath, practice meditation, etc. Make sure to leave your mobile phone aside at least 30 minutes before bedtime.
- For a good sleep, you need to avoid caffeine or heavy meals before the bed.
The recommended sleep time for teenager is between 8-10 hours of sleep per night. Get a good sleep to keep your mind more focused and efficient throughout the day and perform academic activities more efficiently and actively.
Eat Healthy Food
There is a very famous saying “You are what you eat”. Food is essential to keep your mind and body working. Developing good eating habits impact your body positively and developing bad eating habit can negatively impact your body. Therefore, make sure to practice healthy nutrition in order to stay fit and healthy for longer time. Here is how you can develop healthy eating habits:
- Eat food which is rich in nutrients such as fruits, vegetable, lean protein, whole grain, etc. Vitamin and minerals are required for the proper functioning of your mind, muscle growth, and overall health.
- The common mistake many of us do is, We often skip breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it starts your day. Kick your day on a good by having a good breakfast. A healthy breakfast is the one where you have a balance of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats.
- Keep your body hydrated by drinking water in regular intervals of time. Make sure to drink at lead 8 glass of water every day.
- If you love to munch snacks then opt for the healthier options i.e. nuts, fruits, yogurt, etc. Eat snacks which provide sustained energy. Stay away from oily and fried snacks which are not rich in nutrients.
Make a eating habit for yourself where you can enjoy food and eat in moderation. You can have cheat meals in regular times but keep them in moderation only.
Start Exercising
Exercise is good for both physical and mental health. Exercise regularly or play some sort of sports in order to stay active. Exercise improves your body mobility, flexibility, improve your mood, reduce stress, etc. There are numerous benefits of exercise. Here you can make exercise a routine for yourself:
- Exercise does not necessarily means go to the gym and lift heavy weights. You can choose to play a physical activity which is fun anf enjoyable, it could be any sport, dancing, cycling, swimming, walk, etc.
- Set fitness goals for yourself and keep them realistic only. Exercise for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week in order to start your fitness journey.
- In order to make it more fun and enjoyable, you can exercise or plan activities with your friends or family. You can join a sports team, a sports club, etc. Groups activities are great to build new connections and work towards fitness goals.
Incorporate physical activity into your life i.e. start taking stairs instead of elevator, walk more, etc. Make sure to set fitness goals for yourself and use a fitness tracker to keep track of your progress to stay motivated and focused.
Student’s life can be a bit overwhelming sometimes due to academic workload, exams, assignment, personal commitments, etc. It becomes essential for students to take care of their health, eat healthy food, get quality sleep, and exercise. Managing academic pressure or stress becomes a bit easier once you have a healthy mind and body. All the students are advise to incorporate good eating and sleeping habits into their life.