Social media is a part of our life. This is place where we find new friends, connect with older friends, make connections, learn new things, share valuable content, etc. Using social media is a skill and students must master this skill to make the most out of it. There are a lot of postitive things that comes out of using social media, but on the flip side there is a side of social media which isn’t good. In order to maintain a healthy online presence, it’s essential to understand how a social media works and how to stay safe and avoid negative experiences.
In this guide, we have shared the social media do’s and don’t specially for students. Make sure to read the complete guide in order to understand how you can make the most out of social media by using it well.

Do’s of Social Media For Students
Protect Your Privacy
Privacy is a major concern while using social media. Your information is available online and anyone can access it, therefore, you need to protect your privacy. You need to be very sure of what you share on social media. Refrain from sharing too much personal information such as home address, phone number, or any other information that could reveal your location.
Each social media platform allows you to adjust the privacy setting. You can control what others will see and what not. If you are not a celebrity or influencer, then you can consider to make your account private so only your followers can see what you post and only accept friend requests from people you know in real life.
Everything you share on social media is out there for years unless you delete it, every social media account has it’s digital footprint. Make sure to post only those things which won’t create any problems for you and won’t impact your future. Be careful of what you post, comment, or like.
We have seen a lot of instances where a person’s tweets or posts from the past have been used to defame him or her in the present world.
Use Social Media for Learning and Growth
Social media has evolved over the years. It’s not a mere social or connection platform anymore, it has become a business and learning hub as well. Many businesses promotes their products or services on social media to get leads or sales. As an user, you can use social media as a learning platform as well.
Different type of groups and communities are present on social media. You can choose to join groups or communities as per your interest, hobby, etc. Use social media in a productive ways to increase your knowledge and learnings.
Set Usage Time Limit
Too much of anything is bad and social media is no exception. Let’s accept the fact, Social Media is addictive. Too much of social media may impact your life in a negative manner, therefore, you need to set boundaries or time limits.
These days, smart mobile phone has built in feature where you can set screen time for each app. You can even use third party apps to track the same. For the overall development of your body and mind, make sure to play sports, spend time with friends and family, etc.
Don’ts of Social Media For Students
The content you post or share online can stay there forever. People may even screenshot it or record it, so deleting a post or tweet won’t even help. To conclude, do not share any inappropriate, offensive, or any information that could hurt someone’s feelings. Do not share your private or confidential information online in order to protect your privacy.
Ben mindful of what you share online. Cross check your posts once before posting.
Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
Social media is a place where people often fake a lot, so don’t compare your life to people you’re seeing on social media. Comparing your life to other’s life may lead to a feeling of inadequacy and negatively affect your self-esteem.
Focus on your life and use social media only to connect with dear ones, learn new things, etc.
Don’t Depend Solely on Social Media for Socializing
Social media is a great tool to interact with people who are living far away from you. Do not rely solely on social media for socializing, please remember that face to face communication is also important. Go out with your friends, eat together, watch movies, play together, attend events, etc.
Spending too much time on phone is not healthy. Connect with people offline to build more stronger and healthier relationships. Experience life together to create lifelong memories.
Social media is tricky, you must understand how to use it well. As a student, you must use social media very carefully and responsibly. Make sure to protect your privacy, be mindful of what you share online, be respectful to other people, and do not overuse it. Social media is a great tool for building connections, learning, growth, etc and it should not be a reason for stress or anxiety. Use it wisely to stay happy and grow in life.