Free Exam Timetable Templates | Exam Revision Planner

We have shared a lot of planner, templates, and learning guides on this website specially for students. In this page, we’re covering one of the most important planners i.e. Exam Timetable and Exam Revision Planner. We all go through the stress of exams, I personally used to get a lot of stressed whenever exams approaches and all that stress comes due to lack of preparation. I’m sure there are still many students who face the stress of exams, so this is why I have decided to shared these exam planners to help out school students so they can prepare and plan better.

Using an exam timetable planner and exam revision planner is one of the most effective ways to manage your study time. For the convenience of students, we have shared a well structures exam timetable here, using which you can prioritize subjects, allocate sufficient revision time, and get more organized. Apart from the planner templates, a lot of important tips and information is shared here which will help students to plan better.

Exam Study Planner Template

Exam Study Planner Template

This is pretty simple study planner. For an understanding of students, we have briefly discussed different elements of this planner.

  • Date: Start by writing the date on which you’re creating this study planner.
  • Day: Tick mark the day it is.
  • Subject: Write down the subject as per your understanding.
  • Time & Schedule: Write down study schedule for each hour of the day. This is the most important section so write it properly.
  • Study Goals: Make sure to set a few study goals for yourself. Setting goals is important so you can plan your schedule accordingly.
  • Material: List down the material that you need i.e. books, pen, paper, etc.
  • Notes: If you have a few things to write then a “Notes” section is here.

How to Download?

  • Click on the Planner above
  • You will be directed to the pdf page
  • Click on the download icon to download this planner
  • Once the planner is downloaded, you can take a print-out
  • Fill out the planner and start using it.

You may choose to take as many print-outs as you want. This is a free planner.

Advantages of Using Exam Timetable Template

If you are wondering what’s the point of using an Exam Timetable then here are some of the advantages:

  • Time management comes with planning and the whole purpose of using an exam timetable is to plan and schedule your study time in order to be prepared and avoid the stress that comes with last minute planning.
  • Many a times, we have no idea what to study and at what time. Exam timetable planner allows you to prfioritize subjects based on difficulty.
  • Once you have a structured exam plan with you, the work productivity will surely increase.
  • A lot of stress comes when you are not prepared. Exam planner helps you to get rid of unwanted stress and anxiety.
  • Of course, you will be able to keep a track of your progress so you can plan revision accordingly.

Exam Revision Planner

Exam Revision Planner

Exam revision should not be neglected. Make sure to have some time for revision as well in order to strengthen your learning. Avoiding revision is one of the most common mistake that students do, I also used to skip it. Skipping revision is not a good decision at all.

For all those who are committed to revise, here we have shared an exam revision planner. Download this planner to schedule your revision time.

Step by Step Guide to Create Exam Timetable

Even though we have shared a planner template above but still here is a step by step guide to create an effective exam timetable.

Step 1: First Write down Subjects and Topics

List down all subjects and topics that you need to study. Make sure to prioritize subjects which are most important. Do consider the difficulty level into consideration.

Step 2: Be aware of exam dates

Do keep a check on your school calendar to be aware of exam dates and plan your study plan accordingly. You can prioritize subjects whose exam time is earlier.

Step 3: Distribute Study Hours

Learn to distribute study hours. This is where you need to work a lot and distribute time very smartly. Allocate active times to difficult subjects and you can study easy subjects during the less productive hours.

Step 4: Take breaks in between

A good study schedule is the one where you have proper short break in between in order to get energized and freshened up. Do not neglect the importance of breaks. It is important to take breaks for an effective functioning of your mind and body.

Step 5: Proper Tracking

Make sure to review your performance at the end of a day to ensure you’re on the correct path of getting things done.

So now you have planners in front of you and you know how to use them. And we have shared few tips as well. Now it’s upto you how you make the most out of them. Even though you have same planners but still some students will be able to prepare better while others won’t. Why is that? Because it comes down to the individual learning and how you use that learning to take decisions for yourself.

Having resources is one thing and utilizing those resources is the another thing. Be a student who make the most out of resources he or she gets. If you are feeling stuck somewhere or can’t get something done then take help from your fellow classmates, teachers, or parents.

Final Words

If you are a school student then ensure to make a habit of using exam timetable and exam revision planner. Using these tools will prepare you better for exams and there will be less stress or anxiety. Be an organzied student who controls his or her time and it should not be the other way around. Just download and print the planners from here to get started. Happy learning and good luck for exams.

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